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Vacations #inMotion for the Summer Bears


A total of 30 children spent the last two weeks of summer vacation at the Berndorf site. As always, the Summer Bears aged 4 to 12 enjoyed a great program: They accompanied a dog trainer and vet and spent a lot of time outdoors hiking, climbing, and crafting in the forest workshop. The highlight was SwimSalabim, though: The Summer Bears were the first guests of Berndorf Bäderbau's mobile swimming school. Not only did they have great fun, they also made a valuable contribution: Their feedback will be incorporated into the design of the next swimming school.

Caregiver: “We'll play a round of Nestfest with the parents, the game with the birds!” -

Child: “But my mom hates birds because they always shit in our pool water.”

“Are we going for the Guglhupf now?” (meaning the Guglzipf)

“The climbing was cool, but the rappelling was a bit of a pain!”

“Have you memorized how many chocobons you have to find? – I haven't memorized anything.”

“The swimming salabimm is really the best invention of mankind!”

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